Residential and Commercial Roofing Services in Toronto

Free roof estimate in Toronto and All over the GTA

A free roof estimate is a price given to do a job and might describe one type of roofing system but with little additional detail.

Free roof estimate
Free roof estimate

While a place to start, this should not be your only written document on the work to be done.

You probably are also concerned

about getting good value for your money – as opposed to just getting the cheapest price, because you have learned (sometimes the hard way) that you get what you pay for.

A proposal contains Good, Better, and Best roofing type options with pricing on structural issues and roofing systems.

The proposal should include choices of products, designs, prices, brand names, and services provided by the contractor so that you know exactly what you are agreeing to and what is expected of both you and the roofing contractor. Financing options may also be provided.

Whether you receive a roof estimate or a roof proposal, it is just good business to read it thoroughly. Most problems come from misunderstandings about contract items that were in writing all the time. If you see something you don’t agree with or don’t understand, talk to the roofing contractor about it and get it resolved in writing before any work begins.


Free roofing Estimate
free roofing quote

Your  Quality Roofing services estimator is a highly trained professional who receives ongoing education on the latest products and technologies. He or she will contact you to learn more about your needs, discuss priorities, review options, and develop a timeline.

If you don’t have time for a meeting, the roofing estimator may be able to visit the site independently to complete an evaluation. Most roofing estimates can be completed with one visit, but large, multi-trade, or complex specifications often require more than one visit.

When the roofing estimate is completed, the roof estimator meets with the customer to discuss the results and next steps. If necessary, it is often possible to do this meeting when it is most convenient for the customer – evenings or during the weekend. Here’s what you can expect to discuss:


  • Inspection results by Quality Roofing Services Ltd
  • The proposed scope of work
  • Available Roofing options 
  • Samples and literature from roofing manufacturers


Free Roof Estimate
Call for Free Roof Estimate 416 666 0798


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